Docker images
Supported tags and respective Dockerfile
Image variants
The Kratos
Docker images use Alpine Linux as their base image and come with SQLite support build in.
How to use these images
In order to make the provided Docker images as useful as possible they can be partially configured through a set of supported Environment variables. In addition to the environment variables, the image needs you to bind a directory to pass in your configuration files (unless you extend the base docker image).
Do not use latest
Please, always use a tagged version and never use latest
Docker images. This ensures that your deployment doesn't unexpectedly
update with an incompatible version!
Running migrations
To run SQL migrations, which are required for new installations and when upgrading, run:
docker -e DSN="<your database URL>" run oryd/kratos:<version> migrate sql -e
They'll also be automatically run whenever the serve
command is run.
Environment variables
This environment variable allows you to specify the database source name. As the DSN
normally consists of the url to the
database system and the credentials to access the database it's recommended to specify the DSN
using a Environment variable.
docker run -e DSN="memory" oryd/kratos:<version>
This environment variable allows you to specify the secret used to sign and verify signatures and encrypt things:
docker run -e SECRETS_DEFAULT="CHANGE-ME" oryd/kratos:<version>
Binding configuration directory
Note that for both of these methods you must supply the location of the configuration file using the --config
flag when
running the container.
docker run <theimage> serve --config /home/ory/kratos.yml
Binding host directory example
In this example we start the standard Docker container with SQLite support and use the quickstart email-password example configuration files by bind mounting the local directory.
This example assumes that you checked out the Kratos Git repo and execute the Docker command in the Kratos Git repo directory, it
mounts the configuration files here to ~/
docker run -it -e DSN="memory" \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/contrib/quickstart/kratos/email-password,target=/home/ory \
oryd/kratos:<version> serve --config /home/ory/kratos.yml
We only recommend this approach for local development.
Creating custom Docker image
You can create your own, custom Kratos Docker images which embeds your configuration files by simply using the official Kratos Docker images as the Base Image and just adding your configuration file(s) as shown in the example below:
FROM oryd/kratos:latest
COPY contrib/quickstart/kratos/email-password/kratos.yml /home/ory